Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007
It's been an odd day for me. After noticing my contacts weren't agreeing with me yesterday, I took them off when I got back to the house around 7. I was fine with my glasses when going to bed. At that point the real fun began. I endured a few hours of burning, throbbing, and stabbing pain in my left eye before breaking down and calling my dad around 2:45 in the morning. It felt like a clump of something was stuck in my eyelid. Dad drove to the house and then took me to the emergency room at a hospital in Anaheim. The doctor there told me I had ulcers on my eyes. Momentary panic set ion before he went on to explain they were bacterial ulcers. He gave me some antibiotic gel for the germs and vicodin for the pain. Dad drove me back to the house in Yorba Linda when I finally went to bed around 5:30. I woke up about 9 hours later! Obviouly, I missed work today. I'm still not certain I'll be ready for work tomorrow.

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