Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Friday, June 15, 2007
Though I've had no interviews, this week has certainly been interesting. Dad had an appointment Monday morning which was supposed to require me driving him home. Figuring I would wait there for a few hours, I bought some books at Borders the night before to keep me occupied. Well, dad was there only an hour, and was quite cogent at the end, so I was terribly needed. No matter, I was enjoying reading about Conan. Tuesday was more con work. I spent Monday night at Nammy's house so we could ride the subs early at Disneyland the next day. Despite being there at opening, we still waited 2 and a half hours to get onboard. Fun ride, but I'm not sure I want to wait in such a line to ride it again. From there we drove to San Diego to pick up shelving for an AX department. Dinner in SD before driving back home. Wednesday, more con work. Thursday a drive to check on Amalia. And today? Three oil changes, a trip to Irvine for some work on my radios, and an afternoon viewing of a movie. Now it's Stargate time!

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