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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Finally took care of a small, nagging problem that's been an issue since I moved back into the LA house. I got bookcases for my manga. Now, if you've been to my room at the Orange County house, you'll know I keep my manga in a bookshelf next to my bed, along with my trade paperbacks. Well, I was running out of room. The mangas are half the size of the trades, and I was getting more of both. Lots of wasted space. My solution? Take the mangas back with me to the LA house, freeing up space to make the old bookcase strictly American stuff. Unfortunately, I had nowhere to put the mangas when I got back here in LA. For two weeks they languished in boxes and Viz bags. But no longer! Today I picked up two bookcases from Fry's to organize them! Technically, they're "media" cases, designed to hold DVDs, VHS, and CDs, but the adjustable shelves and small depth work well for mangas. Now there's a bit more order to my room, even if
I did discover why these particular cases were on sale. Let's just say the term "flush" does not describe its edges....

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