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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Finishing up the rest of the Conan books I have. Should be done shortly after midnight. It took me a while to get around to finishing this book, largely because I got a little burnt out with the stories after going through the first two books so quickly. But routine hospital visits and a determination to finish so I can get on to other books have brought me close to the end. It's interesting to read these books with the knowledge of hindsight and the perspective of a different generation. Conan is more or less Superman. He rarely fails, has unfailing stamina, a mastery of about 30 languages, and has knowledge of all of the unknown. This is a superheroic character before superheroes were defined. No weaknesses, the ladies can't help but fall for him, and no task is insurmountable. Only in the last stories are there any kind of failings, yet Conan still largely survives unchanged. We know he lives of course (in fact the first Conan story would be his second-to-last chronologically speaking), but he rarely seems to change as a character. It's also interesting to see the background racism and blatant sexism in the writings of this Texas native. Sign of the times, I suppose. Oh, and since the author committed suicide when he was still quite young, it's easy to know he wasn't all right in the head.

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