Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Well, uh, guess I lost track of time to keep up with my postings here. To recap: Thje parents and I saw Enchanted Wednesday night. Really fun movie, thoughy my enjoyment of it probably benefited from all those viewings of Disney films I had to sit through Fridays after school at Carden. Thanksgiving was fairly straightforward, putting up the Christmas lights in the day, see family at night. We were late, of course, and I really would have liked Mike to be home to help me get those lights up. But as it was, I just had some really tired arms afterwards. My birthday was fairly busy - took a few hours in the morning to do some Black Friday shopping in places where there wasn't much of a crowd, then had lunch and a guided tour at Disneyland, followed by dinner and a movie with friends back home. Over the weekend mom and dad took off for my aunt's cabin, while I used Saturday to drive down to Chula Vista to meet some people from a G.I. Joe message board I frequent. It was early Sunday by the time I drove back. Many hours later the parents came home and I finally got to have a birthday dinner with both mom and dad.

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