Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Holy hell, when it rains, it pours! So Saturday dad and I are going to my grandparents house to paint their living room. We're not even a mile from the house when we get a call that grandma fell and broke her ankle. Well, we get there and dad takes her to the hospital while I get to work painting. She gets a temporary cast, and dad and I manage to get the painting that had to be done done over the weekend (in time for the Super Bowl, of course). Meanwhile, grandma's in a cast for six weeks, complicating life for her and my grandpa. It could have been worse, right? Monday my aunt takes grandma to the hospital to get her temporary cast swapped out for a permanent one. While they're gone, grandpa goes to get the mail, falls and breaks his hip. Dammit!

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