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Thursday, February 28, 2008
I don't know what I did, but for the last few days my left eyelid has been swollen. It's kind of gross. It started Tuesday night when I took my contacts out. Afterward, the left eye hurt a little and I had a burning sensation when I blinked. I chalked it up to wearing the contacts a little too long and gave it no mind. Went to bed, got up the next day, and went to put my contacts in when I noticed the swelling. Well, the eye itself wasn't red, so I put the contact in anyway. I probably wasn't doing myself any favors, though. Throughout the day Wednesday, the pain in my eye would go from non-existent to annoying. Nothing too terrible, but enough to remind me it was there. I decided to forgo contacts today and that seems to have made a difference. The swelling is down, redness in the eyelid itself seems to have disappeared, and the pain is gone. Not sure what caused it, but hopefully I'm done with it.

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