Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Saturday, September 27, 2008
So to file under the "wow, how time flies" department is a little bit of news that I kept meaning to post here and now I'm suddenly more than two weeks past. I got work as a Production Assistant for a short film two weekends ago! Easy work, but long hours - 12 hour days over four days. Fortunately, they went easy on me, being my first time and all, and the shortness of the production meant my feet weren't completely obliterated by the experience. Mostly we PAs did odd jobs here and there, and during times of actual filming, we hid out of sight trying to keep people from walking into the shot. For the first three days we were on location in Downtown LA, shooting some of the lesser-kempt areas. The last day was pretty cool - an old, closed jail that's been the domain of film shoots for the last three decades. Who knew Lincoln Heights had this just sitting there?

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