Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ugh, I've got a cold. Started feeling it on Monday with a sore throat. Then it got bad enough that night, that I couldn't sleep. I tried throat lozenges, but they weren't really helping. Add to that I know had a sinus headache and my ears were popping, and I knew I was in trouble. Unfortunately, I only had DayQuil in the restroom, and it was about 4:30 in the morning. Eventually, 6:00 rolled around, dad got up, and he fished out NyQuil from his bathroom. So I finally had some medication, but more symptoms started rolling in as the day went on, including fever. So far I've been light on the coughing and sneezing, though, so at least I've got that going for me.

Oh, and why am I still at the Orange County home? The Ford dealership didn't fix the Escort properly! On Saturday I noticed it was making the same problems it did before, so we took it back in to the dealership!

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