Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Saturday, November 15, 2008
Many of you may have noticed there are a few wildfires around Southern California today. Many of you may have further noticed there's one in Yorba Linda. I am a bit on edge, at the moment, but hopeful. The fire's still a ways off from the house, but it's still too close for comfort. The voluntary evacuation zone extends about a half-mile from the OC house. I am stuck in the LA house for the time being, though. If it did come time to evacuate, I'm not sure what I could do, honestly. With all the road closures, I doubt I'd get home with any expediency. Mom has left the house already, largely because the grandparents were staying at our house while some repairs were made at their place. She took them out of the area for better air quality, and at that point, it wasn't easy to get back home. Dad's alone with the dogs, ready to leave if need be. He's already loaded items into the car. It is, understandably, a bit scary. I know people in the evacuation zones. I hope they're okay, too.

Sorry hun =( If you need someone to talk to or help moving? Whatever, let me know, call, message, anything. <3
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