Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Sunday, November 09, 2008
We finally added cable to the LA house. More a request from the roommates than a desire of mine, but hey, I get Mythbusters and Law & Order reruns out of the deal, so who am I to complain? Well, I can easily complain about the install! A simple installation of a slitter onto the line we installed for the cable internet and the addition of the cable box and we should have been ready to go, right? Well, we were for a while. Then the signal was lost. It wouldn't come back for a few hours so I called tech support. They couldn't help, so they scheduled a repairman to drop by the house. Oddly, the cable signal returned that night. I called up and canceled the appointment. No point if everything's working, right? I went home for the weekend and we lost the signal again. Arrgh! So I had to call up, go through the same pointless tech support stuff all over again just to reschedule. The repairman thought the cable box was bad, our cable connection from the outside line was a little old and possible sun-damaged, and that the previous cable guy was incompetent. Why? None of the coaxial connectors were crimped down! The whole installation was basically redone!

...I remember dealing with that crap. They're lazy bastards and just stick crap around everywhere. Well- ok so they're stupid and don't know what they're doing most of the time either. Glad you have a connection. What ever would you do without it?
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