Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, December 29, 2008
On Christmas day, I went with my family over to my cousin's house for dinner. Given the disparate ages among my mother's siblings, this cousin is actually closer to my mom's age than my own. Anyways, to accommodate the additional family members, she had set up a folding table with lawn chairs for dinner. Sitting in one of these chairs while talking to some relatives, the left rear leg starting sliding outward. Being on tile, the leg pretty much lost it's grip. Me, I try to regain balance by leaning in the opposite direction, while I'm certain my face gave off the weirdest look - wide eyes, flat mouth kinda deal. My brother and another cousin look on, wondering what the hell I'm doing. By the time they figure it out (I probably should have said something, but my mind was focused elsewhere at the time), I'd been stuck in that seat, gravity taking its course. I knew it wasn't going to end well. Fortunately, by the time the leg finally broke off, I was only about six inches from the ground. The fall wasn't all that bad. In fact, the only discomfort I had was really in my right shoulder, probably from reaching out and flailing the arm around to get some kind of grip!

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