Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Thursday, January 15, 2009
I finally got to see Kentucky Fried Movie. I've been a Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker fan for about as long as I can remember. (I do believe I saw The Naked Gun in the theater.) I've known about this film for a number of years, but for some reason. I've never run across it in person. Well, after reading a thread on Fark that starting referencing this film, I decided it was time to watch it. I asked Russell to add it to his Netflix queue, and since he didn't really have anything on there he wanted to watch, it arrived in the mail yesterday. Jason, Russell, and I were laughing our asses off. And boy, did they not hold back on the nudity! Makes you wonder how some of their other films would have been if they weren't sticking to a PG-13 rating. (Hot Shots' sex scene, anybody?) So yes, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Plus, it helped wash out some of the bad taste that was An American Carol. How did David Zucker put out such crap?

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