Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Spent Saturday with an AX film crew shooting some segments to go online before the convention starts. Did some shooting around the Bonaventure, down Figueroa, and inside the LA Convention Center. All of it was for informational stuff, so nothing too drastic in the way of shooting.

Sunday we were supposed to start editing the footage, but the department meeting stretched five hours just pouring over the schedule! I made a preliminary shooting schedule for the convention before the meeting, but didn't think much of it. Amazingly, most of what I did stayed in there. There were many panel additions we decided to cover, but all in all, it looked like my scheduling worked.

Yesterday we finally got around to the editing. Another six hours or so in the office supervising my editors. They'll be there again today, and probably for the rest of the week. Should be worth the effort, though.

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